Tuesday, April 2, 2013


Hi Jammers! Sorry for not posting yesterday! April fool's pranks maybe?Got home late D: The rare was a Rare Cupcake Hat! 777 gems! New items are at the April Fools party, and they are WEIRD! Member only, and invisible until placed in dens O>O Cool! Other items at the party are all upside down and have weird prices, 333, 123... Today's new item is the April Birthstone at Epic Wonders!

Now, Time for Picture OVERLOAD!!!!
 Wait for it......
 Wait for it.....
 April Fools! Not the real items place!
 Here is where you enter
 The upsidedown Castle...
 Is confusing. PHANTOMS!

 I'm on top, I think.....
 The REAL item place! Invisible path!
 Invisible Items! So much invisible!
 One more item!
 And one LAST thing, this is last, I promise.
What could be in that mysterious trapdoor? Fluffy?

That's all today, Jammers! Hope to see you in Jamaa!

I lied, this is the last thing >:) April FO.ols!

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